44-day Growth and Prosperity Mastermind Cohort
Next Mastermind begins Thursday, April 7, 2022, with zoom meetings each Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern through Thursday, May 26, 2022.
Limited enrollment available now.
Click here to register today!!!
Glad you are here!
Whether you are one of the many returning participants, or you are a first timer, know you are invited to be one of the few participants for the upcoming 44-day Mastermind.
This Mastermind is unlike any you have known before.
Yes, we focus on Prosperity, Abundance, and Wealth. Utilizing the daily Prosperity Journal prompt from John Randolf Price’s Abundance book, we reflect, write, and share on the prompts. Past participants report amazing prosperity gains from this mastermind – unheard of without the Tapping ** and group discussions – some received unexpected funds within the first 3 days of the Mastermind!
Although the journal prompts incorporate spiritual / universe / energy references to our financial status, members from all areas of belief have felt and received growth and prosperity.
From a spiritual member who was an employee and received unexpected $10,000 to a devout atheist entrepreneur who doubled her sustainable monthly income within the Mastermind, past participants have reported amazing prosperity growths.
We are also together for the personal growth of one another.
Because sometimes life feels lonely where we are. This nurturing group provides a safe environment to share challenges, admit failures and lament over horrible days together.
Additionally, this no-judgment group cheers your successes, encourages your growth, and wants to hear about your promotions.
Because our world didn't prepare us for our lives we are living, and we are expected to do more, be more and care more, while we're aiming for wealth and prosperity, you need this group!
As an exclusive member of the 44-Day Mastermind you will receive:
- Dependable daily prosperity journal prompts emailed to you by 6:00 a.m. Eastern time
- Dependable daily tapping** prompts emailed to you by 6:00 a.m. Eastern time
- Limited access to EZTapping** for additional tapping** prompts
- One nighttime Afformation recording to listen before you go to sleep
- Exclusive invitation to live, non-recorded zoom sessions offering Tapping** opportunities to clear specific financial blocks.
- Private assignments meeting each participant individually as Navigation Guides each week.
Hear what past participants have said about their experience.
**Tapping is a non-invasive, non-addictive, self-administered method to eliminate emotional blockages. During the Mastermind, tapping is encouraged to help you break through emotional blockages to abundance and prosperity. EZTapping is an exclusive password protected group with limited access to additional tapping prompts.
Dr. Katie Nall
Your Mastermind facilitator is Katie Nall, Ph.D., who started this mastermind with an associate in September 2020. Since then, she has successfully led multiple cohorts over the past year. As an Advanced Master Trainer and Certified Practitioner in Tapping**, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, Dr. Nall leads the zoom and tapping** sessions.
Although her Ph.D. is in Mathematics Education, she is a skilled and knowledgeable Tapping** practitioner – her skill can be seen in her TEDx talk where she demonstrates using Tapping** for students with math anxiety (https://hi.switchy.io/NoMoreFear). She looks forward to getting to know you better and watch as you Grow & Prosper within the Mastermind!
PLEASE NOTE: Facilitator reserves the right to request participants to opt into a different program if participant appears to be a better match for a different program.